Road Safety is Our Priority
Our MOT Products Include
Arrow Boards/Message Boards
◼ Arrow Boards/Target Arrows
◼ Portable Regulatory and Speed Limit Signs
◼ Radar Speed Display Units
◼ Variable Message Boards and Signs
Barricades/Channelizing Devices
◼ Airport Barricades
◼ Cones
◼ Drums
◼ Flexible Delineators
◼ Longitudinal Channelizers
◼ Pedestrian Barricades
◼ Tubular Markers
◼ Type 1 Barricades
◼ Type 2 Barricades
◼ Type 3 Barricades
◼ Water-Filled Barrier Walls
Concrete Barrier Walls
◼ J Walls
◼ K Walls
◼ Low Profile Concrete Barrier Walls
Crash Cushions
◼ Temporary Crash Cushions (Work Zone)
◼ Truck Mounted Attenuators (Rental When Needed)
Other Miscellaneous Devices
◼ Glare Screens
◼ Portable Traffic Signals
◼ Stop/Slow Paddles
◼ Vinyl Warning Flags
◼ Airport/Red Flashing Lights
◼ Flashers
◼ High-Intensity Flashing/B-Lights
◼ Steady Bum Lights
Sign Materials
◼ Road-Hardware Plates (Aluminum)
◼ Sheeting
◼ U-Channels
Work Zone Signs
◼ Mesh/Roll-Up Work Zone Signs
◼ Portable Work Zone Signs
◼ Post-Mounted Work Zone Signs
Our MOT Services Cover
◼ Certified Labor Implementing Approved MOT Detour Plans
Flagging Operations
◼ Advanced Flagging Operations
◼ Construction Sites
◼ Haul Roads
Lane Closures
◼ Certified Labor (Handling Small Low-Volume Arterial Roads and Major Interstates With Limited Access)
◼ Double Lane Closures
◼ Full Expressway Closures With Detours
◼ Moving Setups (MOT Crew on Site Providing Multiple Steps)
◼ Single Lane Closures
◼ Triple Lane Closures
◼ Turn Lanes
Road Closure
◼ Certified Labor (Implementing Road Closure Plans)
Sign Installation
◼ Work Zone Sign Installation (Using FDOT-Approved Products and Standards)
Special Events
◼ Concerts
◼ Fireworks
◼ Holiday Events
◼ Parades
MOT Design
◼ Creating, Planning, and Drawing Temporary Control Plans for MOT